What Steps Can You Take to Treat Abrasions and Cuts?

As a bicyclist, you know one thing to be true: falling to the pavement can harm you in many ways.

Even if you don’t break any bones, there’s a good chance that a fall will lead to abrasions and cuts. This is particularly true if you’re involved in an accident with a vehicle.

In addition to any other injury, it’s imperative that you treat abrasions and cuts as soon as possible. Here are some things that you can do:

— Clean the area. There’s nothing more important than this, as the cut must be clean before you take other steps. This means using cool water and removing any debris from the area.

— Stop the bleeding. For many bicyclists, this is the only thing they can do at the scene of an accident. You don’t have what you need to clean the cut, but you can always use a piece of clothing to apply pressure in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

— Get medical treatment. It’s better to be safe than sorry when dealing with a serious abrasion or cut. This is particularly true if it’s accompanied by extreme pain or numbness.

Being involved in a bicycle accident is a big deal, as this can result in a variety of injuries.

If you find yourself in this position, don’t hesitate to treat yourself at the scene, if possible, while also contacting an ambulance. At some point, once you’re feeling better, you’ll also want to find out if you can take steps toward receiving compensation from the negligent party, such as a driver who caused the accident.

Source: Web MD, “How to Treat Minor Cuts and Scrapes,” accessed Jan. 04, 2017
